The EaaSI Dashboard provides a central hub for viewing resources and activity within your node, as well as links for additional support and materials from the EaaSI project.
Sandbox Demo: Will take the user to the EaaSI Open Source Sandbox, a demonstration service for showing the in-browser emulation capabilities of EaaS to those outside the EaaSI Network.
Learn and Support: Links to the EaaSI User Handbook that you are reading right now!
User Forum: Links to the EaaSI Community Forum, a public Discourse for reporting bugs to the development team, as well as connecting with other EaaSI users for support and collaboration. (See EaaSI Community)
The EaaSI Dashboard displays three activity feeds to conveniently access the latest environments and other resources available in your EaaSI node.
My Node Activity displays the latest Environments created or uploaded in your node, regardless of the user who created them. (You can click on “See ALL Node Resources” to navigate to the Explore Resources page)
My Resources displays the latest Environments created, uploaded, or bookmarked by the currently logged-in user. (You can click on “See ALL My Resources” to navigate to the My Resources page)